Depression Therapists in Holly Springs

Counseling & Therapy Services for Depression

Depression Therapists


Good therapy can help a variety of different mental blocks, ailments, or simply help to provide a framework for mental growth and support that can help improve a patient's quality of life across the board. Depression is a major modern affliction that is caused by a variety of different influences.

There's no question that having positive mental health is especially challenging in the modern world and it's critical to seek out help when you need it to live your best life. Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the best tools out there to help you with anxiety disorders and guiding you through the challenges that depression and mental illness brings to the table.

What Are the 4 Types of Depression?

There are four major types of depression our therapy deals with. Each revolves around the root causes of the depression and affects what best treatment is to help a patient manage and recover.

Situational Depression

Situational depression refers to any depression that is marked by intense sadness that comes from bad news or a rough situation. This is a perfectly normal response to have. Having a beloved family member pass away, losing your business, or failing to get into a school or program you worked hard for are all examples that can set off situational depression.

This is normal, but when the depression lasts for weeks or goes into months with little sign of abating, then it's time to look at therapy to help make sure you're not stuck and that the healing process begins. Time can be a powerful force in this but it won't work alone.

Psychological Depression

Psychological depression is a mental health condition that comes from mental setbacks or issues. Focusing only on the negatives, negative self-talk, or feeling bad because of not meeting unrealistic expectations. While having goals and striving for dreams is very important when done in an unhealthy way the failure of not meeting these goals fast enough could bleed into some serious depression.

Depression therapy is a powerful service to help work through the issues and challenges of psychological depression to help our clients work through to healing and to a better place.

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Biological Depression

This is depression that starts from imbalances in hormones, chemicals, or neurotransmitters in a person. In other words, it's a biology-based depression. This starts with physiology and often comes with other serious side effects like fatigue, mood swings, and other issues.

Biological depression can be particularly nasty because the physical problems in the body not only cause depression directly but also often directly lead to an inability to shake off situational depression or leads to psychological depression, causing a vicious cycle.

While medical treatment may be necessary to help with a biological-based depression, therapy should be a part of that process as good mental tools will help with fighting through the worst episodes while also building up the not-as-bad times to be just a touch better.

Existential Depression

What is the point? Why does my life matter? What does it all mean? If these have gone from passing thoughts to deep pools of sadness then you have experienced existential depression.

While some people can shake this off, this can be an incredibly hard depression to shake. Because it not only comes from struggling with meaning or not making goals, but it can actually result from success.

You have that promotion or got into that why are you depressed? Existential depression can be tricky and it never hurts to have some help to work through it.

Can Therapy Help My Depression?

The answer is yes - therapy sessions can absolutely help! For some patients, a therapy program can help to build the mental tools, fortitude, and self-confidence to be able to rise above emotional depressive states at a higher and more frequent level. Reframe Counseling Services are mental health professionals that are located in Holly Springs and North Raleigh, NC.

Depression therapy is something we are passionate about. There is little more gratifying than seeing a client work through to a better place.