Ways to Help Your Child Excel in School This Year
Many parents worry about how their children will perform in school each year. In fact, parental support is the biggest advantage that high-performing kids have, both at home and in the classroom.
This parental involvement in their education takes multiple forms. It means more than just asking your child if they have done all of their homework. Below are several ways to help your child excel in school this year.
Establish Reading as a Family Activity
Encouraging reading is an important way to help your child excel in school. But making reading a favorite activity at home and within the family can lead to improved performance in all of your child’s classes. Have open discussions about their favorite topics and prompt them to seek more information through books. Take reading offline and into book stores and your local library.
Get Involved in Your Child’s Life
Each evening, talk to your child about their school day. Discuss their interests, talents and strengths. Ask about their social life and friendships.
If you feel concerned about any of these areas, talk to their teachers to learn more about how things are going for them outside of home. Being present at school, such as through volunteering for classroom duty, is a great way to help your child excel in school.
Encourage Good Behavior
Good behavior does not happen on its own. It takes learning and practice. Help your child to develop positive traits like paying attention, staying organized, listening and sharing. Lead them to place importance on being on time, exercising good conduct and respecting others.
Expand Their Horizons
Help your child learn about the fine arts, such as music, poetry and visual arts. Take them to museums and provide materials at home for them to explore their creative side. Spend time crafting with them and encourage the development of new talents. Through artistic pursuits, you can help open their minds, expand how they express themselves and help your child excel in school.
Be a Good Role Model
Just as important as studying to help your child excel in school is living a healthy lifestyle. They need well-balanced nutrition, physical fitness and quality sleep. Establish these patterns early in your youngster’s life and model how they should live by taking care of yourself.
Children learn what they see, so this is a great opportunity to help them adapt lifelong wellness. Wellness is both physical and mental, so your modeling should Include taking care of mental health, too.
Other Ways to Help Your Child Excel in School
All of the above tips can certainly help form the basis of excellent performance in school. But often, kids still struggle in the classroom and at home. It can be hard to figure out what they need, particularly in the teen years. Even the best parents can feel overwhelmed and frustrated at times. When these struggles occur, a therapist can help.
Reframe Counseling of Holly Springs, North Carolina offers family therapy, parental counseling, child counseling and teen counseling to help parents and kids break through the barriers they face in school and beyond. Whether the root causes are mental health issues like ADHD, depression and anxiety, or other concerns, counseling can help.
Through therapy, your child can become more successful in school and more engaged in school activities. Call us today at (984) 225-2777 to schedule your in-person or online telehealth visit.